Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Last week was a midterm party, though it was only the first wave. Why I have TWO separate waves of midterms, I don't know. Aren't the tests called MIDterms, like the MIDDLE of the term? Or, does it mean MID, as in not in the middle.
Either way, wave one is over. Wave two is coming up in a few weeks.
I love college.

For class, I wrote a sports short story, but decided I hated it at the last minute. I was experimenting with different styles, and came to realize my story was the worst thing I'd ever written! So, the day before the draft was due, I whipped up a unique science fiction concept. The story still allowed me experiment with different elements, and I'll ask the class if they think I was successful. This story is much better, and I feel will help me grow as a writer.

On Saturday, I went to a bookstore and looked in the kids section. A whole bunch of pre-teeny boppers were shopping around, and it kind of made me nervous. Would they like my stuff? Obviously, I'm targeting them and all, but seeing them shopping it's a scary feeling. Okay... I didn't go in and WATCH them, per say. I was in the section and saw what they were doing. Anyway... I noticed almost all of them stopped to look at Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Then again, it was on display at the front, so that probably had something to do with it.

That's all this week. Woooo.

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