Tuesday, October 25, 2011

What's a HUGE YA book I've never read? Twilight!
I'm not sure how I've gotten away with this for so long, but I'm going to fix this. I'll blog about the novel next week (I'll be done by then) and tell the whole world (a.k.a. my teacher) what I think.
I'm worried about the girly factor, but whatever. I want to see what all the hype is about. I might even enjoy reading about the lovey dovey dove, too! But I don't think so, because I've never been into that sort of thing...
BTW: I saw the movies, and Edward kind of creeps me out. Just throwing that out there.
Life is good. I took an unexpected trip to IDAHO this weekend, and that was fun. I also went Rock climbing! It was at an intense indoor place, and I had to tie my own knots for safety! Basically, I was dangling who knows HOW many feet with a rope I tied, and my friend was holding me down with a rope SHE tied! Seriously, the place was legit. The whole thing scared me to death!
And I'm going again next week. No big deal.
I was accepted into the Disney College Program... again! Woo! Program number two, here I come!
My personal writing is kind of lame right now. I'm still waiting for query responses.
Ally Condie visited our class! That was cool. It was neat to hear her talk about her books. I know it's weird, but when I hear about an author, I never think of them as a person I could talk to. To me, an author is a name and a picture, and though they seem down to Earth and legit, they're not in reach. But when Ally Condie came to the class, she was dressed pretty hip, and I realized she was real, and not just a picture with magically created books every so often! I was like, wow... you're like 5 2 or something. Do you ever think about Stephenie Meyer's height? No. You don't. Why? Because you know she's real, and she seems like a real woman, but she's too epic to have a height. I don't know if that makes sense, but the author visits for my ENG320R class are blowing my mind.
Anyway. That was my week.


  1. (This is Laura from class, by the way. It just shows my business title whenever I post. :P )

    You have awesome posts, I'm just gonna say it. ^-^ I have also delayed reading Twilight, because I am not into romance books, blegh :P but I wish you luck in your reading endeavor! If you don't like it, you can always join the Harry Potter fanclub. :P Not that Twilight and HP are the only two epic books with huge fandoms...

    You got accepted into a Disney program? Wow! I'm thinking of doing internships as a game designer/flash animator, so I was checking out Disney stuff. Which program did you get into? Anyhoo, good luck with your writing, Jameson!

  2. I really enjoyed reading your post. I love your voice, as I read your writing it is almost like I can hear you speaking in class, but at the same time it is different form the way you speak as well. I hope that made at least the slightest bit of sense.

    That is way cool that you are querying right now. That takes a lot of guts, so it is a good thing its getting close to Halloween because their are a lot of guts around these days.

    Good luck with Twilight. I read the first two along time ago, and next Tuesday I am watching the first movie for the first time. I'm both apprehensive and excited. Anyway, thanks for the post. Keep writing.

  3. I agree with Malidran here, I was reading this whole post in your voice and laughing all the way [sorry, too soon for Christmas? yes] You are very entertaining to read.

    I am super impressed by your decision to read Twilight, personally I think they're much less awful than the movies [which says everything imaginably depressing about the movies] and hopefully you don't asphyxiate on the romance. I'm actually reading The Host for YA which I recommend if you can stand more Stephenie Meyer after you finish :P

    It's also amazing to me that you're querying, congratulations and good luck!

  4. Ok, so I have never read Twilight either. Well, I started once but I couldn't really get into it. You'll have to let me know how it goes. The only part of the movies I ever saw was like fifteen minutes and Edward was all glittery, which pretty much validated my opinion for me. I completely agree with what you said about Ally. I know we talked about it in class, but she does seem completely relatable and approachable.

  5. I've read Twilight. It was kinda "meh" for me. But that's my two cents! Just thought I would contribute since everyone seems to be giving their opinion on it... haha

    OK, but here's the real comment: Just gonna reiterate the all the stuff people are saying about querying. That's awesome. I want to ask more about it, but I'm a query novice so I don't really know what to ask, haha.

    Love your blog. It's so fun.
